People often worry that if they become vegetarian, they will not get enough protein, or vitamins in their diet. Nothing could be further from the truth. By giving up meat, and hopefully fish as well, your health will improve a thousand fold.
The following bullet points are all backed up by scientific, peer-reviewed studies.
Source links are available, on request.
The public is not informed as to the extreme health risks involved in eating fish or meat. Debates about organic versus non-organic eggs, or playful articles regarding the latest update on butter versus margarine, distract the public into believing that they are well informed.
Here are just a few of the facts, which have been drawn from scientific studies:
- Arachidonic acid in animal foods, is linked to brain inflammation, and depression.
- Just one meal of high-fat animal products, has been shown to greatly increase inflammation, within hours.
- Wild meat also causes inflammation, and the higher the fat content, the more the inflammation distributes in the lungs.
- Meat eating increases your risk of cataracts, inflammatory bowel disease, and chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD), premature wrinkles, and kidney failure.
Animal fat has been linked to pancreatic cancer.
Chicken has been linked to urinary tract infections.
Nitrites in processed meat form carcinogens, and are associated with brain tumors, and childhood leukemia. Highest sources are hot dogs, pepperoni, and processed deli and cured meats.
High levels of PCB (industrial toxin) is found in fish, and eggs (94% of eggs tested).
The top foods that cause advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are all meat sourced, with roasted BBQ chicken skin and fried bacon being the top. The effect of AGEs range from premature aging, to inflammation, to stiffness, in all body parts.
Meat that is contaminated with salmonella) can now legally be sold.
Pork tapeworm brain infection is the most common parasite disease in the brain, and has increased for people living in the United States.
Nearly 50 % of U.S. meat tested is contaminated with Staphylococcus bacteria, the highest being found in turkey, chicken, and pork.
Fish eaters have been shown to have only a fraction of the sperm count of vegans, and this could be caused by the fact that Xenoestrogens, which are chemicals with feminizing, estrogenic effects, have been found in fish, as a fish is really like a sponge, that simply soaks up every toxin in the ocean.
Pregnant women, eating fish only once a week, transfer to their fetus, more mercury than if they were injected with six mercury-based vaccinations. Worst offender is tuna.
A study found that almost 70% of chicken breasts contained a carcinogenic form of arsenic, way beyond the safety limits set by the FDA.
- 90 % of shrimp which Americans eat has been imported, mostly from Asian countries. It is often farmed in ponds full of fecal matter and industrial sludge, in which different types of antibiotics saturate the shrimp, some of which have been banned in America, due to them causing leukemia and severe anemia.
- Imported shrimp is full of pesticides, many of which have been banned by the USA, due to health dangers associated with them. These pesticides are absorbed when we eat the seafood, and can produce symptoms which are extremely difficult to treat, as the chemical origin is unknown.
- Farmed shrimp and salmon are injected with a preservative which preserves their pink color, but it is a xenoestrogen, which can lead to obesity and diabetes, to name a few.
- Some farmed fish have growth hormone injections, to make them grow faster, and up to 6 times larger, rendering more profits for seafood companies, and estrogenic health complications for us, ranging from obesity to diabetes.

For in depth and scientific studies, on the vast benefits of eating a plant based diet, I highly recommend watching the documentaries “What the Health” and “The Game Changer”.