There are many kinds of arthritis, but the most common are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

OA is caused by wear and tear on overused joints, whereas RA is caused by the breakdown of cartilage between joints. Doctors refer to RA as an ‘auto immune disorder’, but Natural Health Practitioners firmly believe that the immune system can be strengthened, to a point where the cartilage not only stops breaking down, but starts rebuilding.


Natural Cures For Arthritis

A. Osteoarthritis

OA responds well to a daily dose of 1,500 mg of glucosamine / 2,000 mg or more of turmeric / 500mg of bromelain, three times a day / pine pollen extract, using dosage displayed on the bottle.

Since OA pain is caused by nerve impingement, exercises which increase the joint space of the affected joint, can offer a deep relief. A Physical Therapist can show you these very specific exercises, or a modified yoga routine can be designed, specifically for your needs.

Most importantly, stop doing the movement that is eroding the joint’s cartilage. In some cases, this is difficult to achieve, because, for example, an overweight person will exert pressure on all their major joints, thus allowing the main remedy to be weight loss.


B. Rheumatoid Arthritis

RA responds well to daily doses of 1,000 mg omega 3 fish oil / ground flax and chia seeds, and their cold pressed oils, all easier to take in capsule form. These will be helpful in causing an anti-inflammatory action.

Devil’s Claw, a natural herbal supplement, has been recently shown to work as well as Ibuprofen, but without the awful side effects associated with Ibuprofen. To benefit from its ant-inflammatory potency, take 1,500 to 2,000 mg twice a day. It must contain a standardized extract of 50 mg of harpagoside.

Devil’s Claw is not for people suffering from ulcers, or for people on blood thinners. If in doubt, speak to your doctor regarding other medical conditions, before starting Devil’s Claw herbal extract.

However, no amount of natural anti-inflammatories will help, if the diet keeps creating more inflammation, so avoid these foods: sugar / dairy / gluten / trans fats / tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and all kinds of peppers.

Eat lots of: cold-water, wild-caught fish / garlic, onions and cabbage produce sulfur / alkaline-forming foods (lists can be found online.)

Exercises which increase the joint space of the affected joints, can offer a deep relief. A Physical Therapist can show you specific exercises, or a modified yoga routine can be designed, specifically for your needs, by hiring a private yoga instructor.

RA sufferers have been found to be low in seratonin, the ‘pleasure’ neurotransmitter. This can be due to prolonged depression or stress. Yoga increases the amount of seratonin in the body.

It is far better to use these natural remedies for arthritis, than to rely on drugs, because drugs weaken your immune system, which is what caused the RA in the first place – a weakened immune system.

To strengthen your immunity, there are few better ways than to follow The Candida Diet.


Natural Remedy For Arthritis

This is a powerful anti-inflammatory  home remedy for arthritis, of any kind.

20 drops Chamomile Essential Oil

5 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

20 drops Lavender Essential Oil

4 oz Organic Aloe Shea Whipped Cream Body Butter

After dropping the above Essential Oils into the Body Butter, stir thoroughly for several minutes, using a knife.

Apply to areas of arthritis 3 times a day.

Apply beyond joints  – for example, if you have arthritis in two finger joints, apply the formula to the entire hand, because the oils need to get into the surrounding bloodstream and tissues.


Home Remedies For Arthritis

There are home remedies which you can easily make, and there are ready made creams which you can purchase:

A. Make your own Arthritis Cream


This is a powerful painkiller and circulation enhancement cream for arthritis of any kind.

25 drops Orange Essential Oil

25 drops Ginger Essential Oil

4 oz Lavender Body Butter

After dropping the above Essential Oils into the Body Butter, stir thoroughly for several minutes, using a knife.

Apply to areas of arthritis 3 times a day.

Apply beyond joints  – for example, if you have arthritis in two finger joints, apply the formula to the entire hand, because the oils need to get into the surrounding bloodstream and tissues.


B. Purchase our ready made arthritis creams


Chamomile Body Butter – anti-inflammatory and painkilling.HOME MADE CREAMS FOR ARTHRITIS

Orange Body Butter – painkiller and stimulates circulation.

Apply to areas of arthritis 3 times a day.

Apply beyond joints  – for example, if you have arthritis in two finger joints, apply the formula to the entire hand, and arm, because the oils need to get into the surrounding bloodstream and tissues.





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