How To Cure Dermatitis

Dermatitis is a general term to describe a wide variety of external skin inflammations,  but can be broadly divided into eczema and rashes. Eczema can be caused by having lowered immunity, but this can be corrected.

Psoriasis, on the other hand, is a systemic or internal inflammation, requiring an in-depth regimen of dietary and supplement changes, in order to effect a natural cure, and will be discussed in a separate article.


Eczema is thought to be an over reaction by the immune system, to an allergen. This is, however, a simplistic view, as the real answer lies in strengthening the immune system, so that it no longer responds to allergens.

To achieve this goal, excellent results may be obtained, by following The Candida Diet.

After completing the Candida Diet, continue to take probiotics, on a permanent basis.

Additionally, a diet rich in Omega-3 foods, will greatly reduce eczema, as Omega-3 is anti-inflammatory. Top Omega-3 foods are:

  • Wild-caught, cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines.
  • Organic, cold pressed flaxseed oil. 

If you don’t like seafood or flaxseed oil, you can take these in supplement form:

  • To get sufficient omega 3, take 4,000 mg of total Omega-3 (EPA / DHA  / ALA combination.)
  • To obtain enough organic, cold pressed flaxseed oil, take this in capsule form, in an equivalent amount of at least one tablespoon per day.

Avoid foods that are high in Omega-6, because these create an inflammatory response, which will worsen your eczema. Omega-6 is especially found in: processed, packaged meals / take-out fast foods / fried foods / trans fats / any oils that are not cold pressed / margarine.

Many lists of the worst Omega-6 foods can be found online, but it will be up to you, to create a balanced Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio, that works for you.


Home Remedies For Eczema

A. Calming and healing Formula for Dry Eczema

2 oz Rosehip Carrier Oil

15 drops Chamomile Essential Oil

Place the drops in the Carrier Oil. Shake before use. Apply a few times a day.


B. Calming and healing Formula for Wet / Oozing Eczema

4 oz Grapeseed Body Butter

10 drops Juniper Berry Essential Oil

10 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil

10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Place the drops in the Carrier Oil. Shake before use. Apply a few times a day.


C. General alleviation of eczema symptoms

While it is not our purpose to diagnose or treat, the following oils have been found to alleviate eczema, in a variety of ways.

Twice daily application, for at least 4 weeks, will be needed, in order to determine whether these oils have taken effect.

Relief may be experienced within a few days, by using the following formula:

2 oz Blackberry Seed Carrier Oil

2 oz Argan Carrier Oil

To the 4 oz of above Carrier Oils, add:

10 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil

10 drops Juniper Berry Essential Oil

10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Shake for 10 seconds before use.


D. Use several times a day

 Organic Aloe Shea Whipped Cream Body Butter.

This can be alternated with Organic Jojoba Body Butter.


Cure For Eczema

Please note that steroid creams thin the skin, making the condition worse. These can never be a cure for eczema.

A permanent cure, should involve all the approaches mentioned above. In addition to doing the Candida Diet, taking supplements, and balancing Omega-3 with Omega-6, you should avoid skin products which contain any of the ingredients listed under ‘No Preservatives in Our Products.’

Try to follow a diet rich in raw plant foods, which will counteract constipation – because when wastes cannot find a way out of the body, as in constipation, they are excreted through the skin, (which is the body’s largest organ of elimination,) and this will aggravate your eczema.How To Cure Dermatitis with raw plant foods


Rashes are characterized by reddish bumps, whereas eczema can be scaly, flaky, blistery, or even crack.

Both can be itchy, so before exploring the different causes, lets take a look at some soothing natural cures for rashes.


Home Remedies For Rashes

Choose one or two of the following homemade remedies for rashes:

  1.  Blend 30 drops Lavender Essential Oil, into 4 oz Shea Body Butter.

Shake before use.

Apply to rash several times a day.

2.  Our Organic Aloe Shea Whipped Cream Body Butter, is extremely calming, soothing, and anti-inflammatory.How To Get Rid Of Rashes

Apply this to the area as often as you like.

3.  Blend 30 drops Lavender Essential Oil, into 4 oz Hemp Seed Body Butter. Stir the drops thoroughly into the butter, using a knife, for several minutes.

Apply to rash several times a day.


Natural Remedies For Rashes

It is better to use a natural remedy for a rash, such as those mentioned above, because medications often aggravate the condition. Internally administered drugs, weaken the immune system, thereby making it harder for the body to fight the rash, in the long term. Externally administered medicinal creams, contain chemicals, which can also worsen the rash, in the long term, and weaken the skin’s immunity.


Causes of Rashes

1. One of the primary causes of a rash, is the overwhelming amount of chemicals that touch our skin, on a daily basis. These chemicals are found in facial and body products, hair conditioners, shampoos, detergents, perfumes, air fresheners, mosquito sprays, and many other products.

Try to lessen your exposure to the above commercially made, chemical-laden products, and switch to all natural versions of each.

2. If you suspect the cause of your rash is fungal, apply one drop of Tea Tree Essential Oil directly to the skin, and spread it, by adding water to your skin.

3. Contact with certain plants, while gardening, can cause red bumps of all shapes and sizes. If you suspect this is the cause, wear long gloves and long sleeve shirts, while gardening.


Homemade Remedy For Rashes

Once you have made your homemade remedy, don’t forget to label it. Once your rash has healed, you can keep the homemade cream for one or two years, as essential oils are a natural preservative, and shea butter does not go bad, for a long time.

If you don’t feel like making your own homemade cures, you can buy our ready made, all natural anti-inflammatory Body Butters:

Chamomile Body Butter

Lavender Body Butter

These are both ultra soothing to rashes, and heal the skin rapidly.

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